Point of care tools
Downloadable tools for clinicians on a variety of genomic topics Identify and appropriately refer and reassure those at population risk.
Point of care tools
Downloadable tools for clinicians on a variety of genomic topics Identify and appropriately refer and reassure those at population risk.
GECKO on the run
Concise summaries for clinicians on genomic disorders, technologies or other topics. With key clinical information including a bottom line, red flags for a genomic assessment, surveillance and management guidelines and more.
GECKO deep dive
Comprehensive reviews for clinicians on genomic disorders, technologies or other topics. With key clinical information including a bottom line, red flags for a genomic assessment, surveillance and management guidelines and more.
Learning on your own
Modules prepared for accredited continuing education seminars and other venues. Primary care case-based approach is used to discuss advances in genomics, how they impact practice and provide tools for practicing clinicians.