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These publications highlight GECKO resource development and/or evaluation and involve GECKO team members.

Carroll JC, Morrison S, Miller FA, Wilson BJ, Permaul JA, Allanson J. Anticipating the primary care role in genomic medicine: expectations of genetics health professionals. J Community Genet. 2021 Oct;12(4):559-568

Carroll JC, Allanson J, Morrison S, Miller FA, Wilson BJ, Permaul JA, Telner D. Informing integration of genomic medicine into primary care: an assessment of current practice, attitudes, and desired resources. Front Genet 2019 Nov 21;10:1189

Carroll JC, Makuwaza T, Manca DP, Sopcak N, Permaul JA, O'Brien MA, Heisey R, Eisenhauer EA, Easley J, Krzyzanowska MK, Miedema B, Pruthi S, Sawka C, Schneider N, Sussman J, Urquhart R, Versaevel C, Grunfeld E. Primary care providers' experiences with and perceptions of personalized genomic medicine. Can Fam Physician. 2016 Oct;62(10):e626-e635

Easley J, Miedema B, Carroll JC, O'Brien MA, Manca DP, Grunfeld E. Patients' experiences with continuity of cancer care in Canada: results from the CanIMPACT study. Can Fam Physician. 2016 Oct;62(10):821-827

Carroll JC, Grad R, Allanson JE, Pluye P, Permaul JA, Pimlott N, Wilson BJ. The gene messenger impact project: an innovative genetics continuing education strategy for primary care providers. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2016 Summer;36(3):178-85

Wilson BJ, Islam R, Francis JJ, Grimshaw JM, Permaul JA, Allanson JE, Blaine S, Graham ID, Meschino WS, Ramsay CR, Carroll JC. Supporting genetics in primary care: investigating how theory can inform clinician education. Eur J Hum Genet. 2016 Nov;24(11):1541-1546

Carroll JC, Wilson BJ, Allanson J, Grimshaw J, Blaine SM, Meschino WS, Permaul JA, Graham ID. GenetiKit: a randomized controlled trial to enhance delivery of genetics services by family physicians. Fam Pract. 2011 Dec;28(6):615-23

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A Guide to understanding prenatal screening

A Guide to understanding prenatal screening

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